Saturday, August 30, 2008


Well popular demand by the populous society wanted me to pen down my priceless thoughts.
Hence I have driven myself to duty-boundedly deliver a blog defying my lethargy and denying the mistaken identity of a non-blogger.
Oh the mistaken identify!!meticulously marking its way down to the oblivious mob only to unburden the amassed mire.
Wow!!Waah..Waah..What a way to write What I just wrote..Wish,Watch,Water,Wet,Wriggle,Wheat,White.
The above lines suggest that I can still fill the space.
Observe a little more to realise that the words in the sentences(2 sentences in a set) have max. no of words starting with one letter,and the nex sentence has the same but with a letter inverted 270 degrees.
Ok..for ppol like me..heres the logic clearly..

Thank you.Thankyou.

Everyday I promise myself that I would read the newspaper, go to the gym, practise playing guitar, watch a movie, and read a book.

Am so glad I do that daily i mean the promising ..well ones talking about the doing here...


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